Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My future with AVON

Ok, I have not done my best using this blog to my advantage. I have never been good at knowing what to say in these kinds of things. However, I have decided to kick it off on the right foot, I will start putting up AVON product reviews. They will be written by my family, my customers, and myself. I will try to put up a new every other day (or even every day!) until I have exhausted all of the products that we currently use. Feel free to request a review, or ask questions, if there is a product you are specifically interested in. In the future I will be adding before and after pictures for some of the ANEW skincare line, and the Footworks line. I will also be doing some tutorials on makeup, skincare, etc that will be uploaded to Youtube and linked to from here.
You may ask what got me suddenly back on the blogging bandwagon. Well, here it is. My husband and I are living with my parents right now, because we need to be close. I started selling AVON because I have trouble holding down a regular job (I get horrible migraines, and they interfered a lot when I worked at a grocery store) but felt I needed to contribute to the household. Well, the house next door has gone up for sale. I want...Scratch that, I NEED that house. I am realistic, I know there is a chance I may not get it. I also know I can't do all my sales online. But, I may as well put out all my resources and try, right?! Right?! Right. AVON is going to be MY answer to financial freedom. Please subscribe to the blog, check out the Youtube videos, become my friend on Facebook (Alyssa Shively) whatever it is, and I will keep you posted on specials, new products, etc. If you are interested in selling AVON yourself, let me know and I'll do what I can to get you signed up.

Hope to see you all around, feel free to comment with questions or ideas for the blog. I'm really new to this.
Alyssa Shively - AVON Independent Sales Representative

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